Saturday, 9 August 2014

simple python script to telnet into cisco IOS device

I am no expert in python but just trying to share , something i used recently. its helpful if you want to telnet to IOS devices and get some output. using python scripts

i am using python version 2.7
you can download it from here


import os
import telnetlib

def telNetCall():
host  = "xx.xx.xx.xx"
user  = "username"
password = "password"
telnet  = telnetlib.Telnet(host) 
telnet.read_until('Username: ', 3)
telnet.write(user + '\r')
telnet.read_until('Password: ', 3)
telnet.write(password + '\r')
telnet.write('enable' + '\r\n')
telnet.write('enable_password' + '\r\n')
telnet.write('term len 0' + '\r\n')
telnet.write("show version"+ "\r\n")
telnet.write('exit' + '\r')
f = open(host, 'w')

the script will telnet to the device and write the show version (or anything you define) into a file with the name as the host IP address.
f = open(host, 'w')

so lets run the script now for a small demo, but before that make sure you saved your script with proper indentation and file extension as .py

 step1: in your command prompt change your directory to the python27 directory

step2: execute the script by just typing the script file name with the extension as shown above

step3: done !!! your output file should be created in the python directory as show below with the file name as           the host IP address